Managers of the Covered California exchange have gotten individual plan enrollment up but say small groups will have to wait until mid-November to sign up.
Board members of California’s state-based Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) public exchange talked about the Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP) division Thursday during a meeting that was streamed live on the Web.
Individual exchange enrollment started Oct. 1.
Peter Lee, the executive director, said Covered California has had a “great start,” has a “very functional working worksite,” and is just three weeks into the start of a program that could reshape the way U.S. health care works for the next 100 years.
The exchange is not yet releasing enrollment numbers, but state residents have started 125,929 applications for coverage Lee said.
The exchange also has certified 426 plan-based enrollers, 390 application counselors and 2,304 agents.
Agents have complained about certification delays, but help from general agents — exchange plan wholesalers — has helped agent certification go more quickly than the certification process for application counselors and plan-based enrollers.