I believe the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) was built to fail from day one.
I base this on a mound of information that has been published about PPACA as well as my fundamental knowledge of the political mind.
Let’s start with the political mind.
No citizens like to believe they are second class. They like to believe they are the boss and the politician serves them.
Nice belief, but totally out of focus.
If you have not been paying attention, then you missed the toppling of citizen as sovereign. You don’t have to believe me; you simply have to look at Congress. They exempt themselves from every law they pass.
You can argue that this practice alone is not proof. I ask what more proof do you need than the people’s agents telling the people to obey laws they pass while they exempt themselves? Do you really believe that is how a fair and just legal system should exist?
What does this have to do with PPACA? It gives you the tone of the political mind. They are after total control. Fortunately, they realize they cannot just grab it all at once.
If they can’t grab it all once, then how will they grab it? Easy. Look at the three stages of a crisis.
The first stage of any crisis is when a potential crisis becomes apparent. Health care is a great example. Obama isn’t the first president to tell us we have a health care crisis. Harry Truman started the ball rolling.
Can you remember a time when the health care “scenario” as we experienced it hasn’t been in the news?
Can you remember the number of crises that happened in Obama’s first term? Can you remember who rode in on a stallion and saved the day?
The second stage of a crisis is the unfolding of the crisis itself. If you can tell me the unfolding of the health care crisis didn’t happen when Obama introduced PPACA, I will be shocked.
The third stage is the post-crisis phase. This is where the government rides in and saves all of us from the crisis. How do they save us from PPACA? They nationalize our system.
Let me offer Britain and Canada as just two of the many nations with nationalized health care. That way you can’t say it cannot happen.
I say PPACA is the “linchpin” in this crisis. I say that because the Act is crumbling under its own weight. Yes, we read about how the government planted cheery news regarding the success of the health exchanges and how people’s premiums will be lowered.