“Work ethic is giving great effort to complete a task. Passion is giving great energy to achieve an outcome.”
I received the above quote in an email from author and expert in human motivation, Simon Sinek, and it struck a chord with me. One of the greatest differences I have seen between a top producer and a struggling producer is passion. If you lack passion about what you do, about the services you offer, about the products you use to solve problems or about the industry you work in, then you will struggle to inspire action in your prospects. If you do not believe in what you do, your prospects won’t either.
Having passion about what you do and truly believing in the value you provide will convey to a prospect that you love what you do. Be excited, not eager; be patient, not rushed; be genuine, not phony. And actively listen to your prospect—don’t simply wait with bated breath for your next opportunity to talk.