Each day, at workplaces all across the country, overworked, overstressed and overwhelmed employees arrive for another day of attempting to accomplish more work in less time and for less pay. The recession has left many workers running on empty and working at an unreasonable and unsustainable pace.
The reason for this state of affairs, according to “cause evangelist” Mohan Nair, author of “Strategic Business Transformation: The 7 Deadly Sins to Overcome,” is not just that employees are tired and overworked. It’s also that “they have nothing to believe in. When people are motivated by a cause, they’ll work without stopping and without loss of energy. Their dedication to the cause will fuel them.” But many companies have no other “cause” than to make money.
Give your employees an inspiring ideology, says Nair, and they will give you dedication and enthusiasm in return. This is the secret to business transformation, which is vital if a company wishes to survive in the future. “Winning companies transform themselves in order to transform the customers they serve,” explains Nair. “They [don’t] just add another feature or capability to their arsenal. In fact, they don’t think of their capabilities as arsenals because they don’t see battles; they see opportunities to transform, not destroy.”