Establishing a well-branded Facebook account is an important step for a social-media savvy agent. In this article, we’ll look at the importance of photos and personal branding on Facebook.
The importance of Facebook profile photos
A good photo is one of the most important aspects of your Facebook profile. It helps prospects feel like already they know you. Be very careful about the headshot you choose, though. Do not use a glossy professional shot on your personal Facebook account! This is a sure way to have your friend requests ignored.
Facebook is divided into two separate camps. The first, the personal Facebook account, is where you will make the most connections and the most useful connections. The second, Pages, is where Facebook and the rest of the world will come to you for business. Facebook and its users want to keep blatant business out of personal accounts.
However, many people promote their businesses through their personal Facebook accounts. Facebook knows this and they have a lengthy profile section designed to capitalize on using personal account information for targeted marketing. Eventually the two Facebooks (personal and Pages) will co-mingle. Friends will migrate to your Pages account, and business connections will become friends. However, in the beginning, it is a good idea to distinguish between the two. One of the easiest ways to ddo this is through your headshot. Use a professional, formal headshot on Pages and use an equally good but more casual image on your personal account. This will immediately distinguish the two accounts for your “friends.”
Inspiring clout in headshots
A good photo is one that a) looks like you and b) looks like someone who is confident and happy. Photos should be clear, lighting should be good and resolution should be high (at least 72 dpi). The best photos are the ones where you are looking straight into the camera and smiling. Sticking the head forward and down slightly (like a turtle) can help erase wrinkles and double chins. Smile! Have the photographer give you a variety of digital photos in different shapes, resolutions and sizes for your portfolio.
To get a great headshot, it is critical to feel a sense of rapport with the photographer. Get to know the photographer before you hire him/her and make sure you like the photos in their portfolio.