Commonwealth Financial Network said Wednesday that it had recently added a number of improvements to its online portfolio platform Investor360°. These enhancements, the independent broker-dealer says, boost the scope of asset information on the platform and allow its affiliated representatives to look at more performance reporting and daily gain/loss data, while also giving them the ability to export data to Excel and TurboTax and view a consolidated statement in greater detail.
“We’ve updated our account-aggregation capabilities, so the platform can build a truer net-worth statement for investors by pulling in information daily for assets, including those that are not [directly] managed by our advisors,” said Darren Tedesco (left), managing principal of innovation and strategy for Commonwealth Financial in an interview with AdvisorOne.
The latest version of the platform, Tedesco says, “scrubs” or cleans up data on daily balances and activity, giving advisors the ability to view a more comprehensive picture of a client household’s asset allocation and daily performance. “We’ve turned the platform into a true portfoilio-accounting engine.”
Investor 360° was first introduced in 2005, and–with the latest improvements–investors can now work on the third version of the platform, and look at performance and other information associated with assets for which their advisor is the representative of record.