If someone asked me to name the most important “success habit” to strive for, I would tell them the “morning success ritual.” How you choose to start your day, which thoughts and actions you choose to put in place, will set the tone for the entire day. If you start your day with a positive tone you will find that you have a positive day. Start your day with a diet of negative thoughts and you will have a negative day.
One of the things I do when working with clients is to help them create a custom “success syntax” to use each morning. What are some of the elements of a powerful “morning success ritual”?
- Positive visualization
- Morning power questions
- Review of business plan
- Positive mental diet
- Creating your daily game plan
Most advisors wake up and begin their days indulging in a diet of news and email and then wonder why they can’t achieve. Follow these simple steps to power through your day and achieve more.