Building an honest, unforgettable brand helps you win new clients as well as develop a favorable public image that will last a lifetime. Here are 10 tips to remember when help developing and improving your brand.
Be honest. Build a brand that is true. In today’s Internet age, brand imposters are quickly discovered, and news travels fast online.
Invest in it. A brand can help you win new business and lower costs of acquiring new clients, so make sure to dedicate resources to build and then strengthen it.
Cherish it. Treat your brand as one of your most prized assets.
Preserve it. You need to safeguard your brand image in all your interactions and those of your employees. There’s truth to the adage negative news spreads 10 times as fast as good news. In a word-of-mouth and referrals business, your brand is crucial to your success.
Protect it. In some cases it makes sense to get legal help to defend your brand through copyrights, trademarks and service marks.