Larry Winget is known as the pitbull of personal development; he’s also the closing keynote speaker at Senior Market Advisor Expo this August in Las Vegas, and whether you’ve seen him live or read him on the page, you know one thing about Winget: He doesn’t pull his punches.
In fact, Winget is best known for throwing haymakers, at clients, no less. For Winget, a tough-love approach is the best way to get through to consumers. From a guy whose best-selling book is “Shut Up, Stop Whining & Get a Life,” would you expect anything less?
In a world of self-help gurus who espouse a get-better approach through holding hands and swaying while thinking positive thoughts, Winget’s kick-in-the-pants approach is unconventional, even radical, but effective.
In the coming months, look forward to seeing Winget’s writings and videos on Senior Market Advisor’s website. Following is his recent blog to consumers on “Four Money Thoughts That Can Change Your Life.” There’s good advice here for advisors to convey to your clients, if you want to use that tough love approach.
1. How to make more money.
You can’t. That’s right, you can’t make more money. You can only earn more money. You aren’t the Treasury Department and you don’t get to print it up when you need it. Money must be earned.
Some of you will immediately respond with “semantics” because you like to argue and would rather argue than think. But there is much more to this statement than mere semantics. We are at a sad place where people seem to have forgotten that wealth at every level is earned at some level.
Too many people don’t understand that their money is a payment for a service rendered. They certainly don’t like facing the idea that the reason they don’t have much money is because they don’t offer much of a service, or don’t offer a service that is worth much.
Sadly, I have discovered that people don’t really want to earn more money . . . they just want to have more money. I guess the Money Fairy is supposed to slip into their bank account during the night and deposit money. Even the Tooth Fairy expects you to leave a tooth behind in exchange for the money. You give up the tooth and the Tooth Fairy gives up a little coinage. That’s how the Money Fairy works too: You give up a little work, a little effort, a little service and the Money Fairy shows up with a little money.
So if you want to have more money, read on.