If every life underwriter thought of offering his services to the people from whom he purchases, I am convinced the increase in production would be great. There should be no reticence on our part about offering our outstanding product to our suppliers. Are we reluctant to talk about insurance to our everyday prospects? Why then should we hesitate to speak with people who are profiting from our acquaintance? Each supplier is a prospect to be qualified, and, generally speaking, our suppliers are prosperous, they have responsibilities, and it is up to us, as life underwriters, to offer a solution to any of their insurance problems.
I am so completely convinced of this sales idea that I never make a purchase without talking about insurance. In exceptional cases, there will be no insurance problem, but these cases are very few.
Let me relate my last sale to a supplier: Last June, my wife and I decided to redecorate our living room and to get wall-to-wall carpeting. We visited several stores. Once our choice was made for the furniture and the carpets, I talked to two salesmen. I sold a $30,000 policy to the carpet salesman. The two proprietors of the store where I bought my furniture were young men, aged 28 and 29. I sold each of them $40,000 of insurance.