You may not have to look far to find great disability insurance prospects. In fact, many ideal prospects may already have purchased life insurance or other products from you. It can be upsetting when you find out your clients went elsewhere to purchase products because they didn’t know or remember you sold those products, so don’t let your existing clients get away and purchase disability insurance elsewhere. Be proactive.
To help you do just that, here is a step-by-step guide to finding disability insurance prospects from the comfort of your own office.
Step 1: Identify common characteristics
Look at your disability insurance production over the last three years and find the commonalities between those clients.
- What is their average age?
- Do they share a common occupation?
- Do they belong to associations?
- Do they have business partners?
- Are there more men, or women?
- Is there a common employer?
- Do they live in a common geographic area?
- What motivated them to buy disability insurance?
- Do they have dependents, or are they single?
- How did you initially meet them? Were they referred? Did you conduct a seminar?
- Did they approach you for disability insurance, or did you reach out to them?
Step 2: Analyze your results
Taking what you found in step one, define your ideal prospect. By sticking to your criteria, you may have better results. You can segment by:
- Age
- Gender
- Occupation
- Common interests
- Employer
Step 3: Look for prospects in your book
Now that you know the common characteristics for which you are looking, go back through your database and identify prospects and clients without disability insurance who share these common characteristics.
Step 4: Create a plan