Darcy Smith of Aledo, Ill., was named a 2010 Fraternalist of the Year by the Illinois Fraternal Congress (IFC). The Illinois Fraternal Congress, a consortium of more than 50 non-profit fraternal life insurance societies in the state of Illinois, is affiliated with the National Fraternal Congress and promotes fraternalism among its member societies. The award was given during the IFC Annual Meeting held in Springfield.
A 31-year employee of Rock Island, Ill.-based Royal Neighbors of America, Darcy was recognized for her outstanding volunteer work throughout the community. An active member of her local Royal Neighbors chapter, Darcy has served in many offices and has been chairman of several successful events. In addition, she is in charge of serving monthly meals to the homeless in Rock Island, is involved with annual JOIN HANDS DAY and Make A Difference Day projects, manages her church food tent each year during the New Windsor Fair and Rodeo, is a teacher for Junior Achievement, and participates in fund-raisers for various non-profits including the Child Abuse Council, the American Red Cross, the American Cancer Society, and the Children’s Therapy Center. She also led a successful fund-raiser for Haiti relief that raised more than $5,000. With Royal Neighbors’ match of $5,000, the American Red Cross received a check for over $10,000. A check from the IFC will be donated in Darcy’s name to New Kingdom Trailriders, her charity of choice.