A life insurer has started using new insurance application routing capabilities from Internet Pipeline Inc.
Assurity Life Insurance Company, Lincoln, Neb., has installed the Go/No-Go feature.
The feature, which works with the Web-based iGO system from iPipeline, Exton, Pa., helps an insurer get electronic insurance applications to distributors, general agencies, or offices of supervisory jurisdiction.
The iGO system is an electronic insurance and annuity application processing system.
In other insurance technology news:
- The National Transitions of Care Coalition, Little Rock, Ark., has formed a Health Information Technology Work Group.
The working group will try to develop and promote use of standards and procedures that can ease the process of shifting patients from one type or level of care to another.
One member of the working group will be Charles Smith, an executive at CIGNA Corp., Philadelphia.
- Principal Financial Group Inc., Des Moines, Iowa, has started sending personalized retirement account balance information and other account information through text messages.
Principal also can feed the information into a participant’s iGoogle home page.