Welcome to the all-new Life Insurance Selling Web site! This new look just debuted on June 29, and I hope you’ll spend a few minutes checking out some of our new features. In addition to my new Editor’s Blog, we now provide regularly updated “Web Exclusives” and industry news and articles in the “Today’s Features” section at the top of the home page. Many of the “Today’s Features” are breaking news or new content from our partners at National Underwriter Life & Health or Producer’s Web, a pair of trusted news and insurance industry information sources.
Of course you’ll be able to check out the current month’s issue of Life Insurance Selling, plus have access to an archive of past issues. You can easily find columns new and old from Richard Hoe and David Saltzman in the “LIS authors” section of the home page. If you are looking for more information related to a specific topic such as Disability Income Insurance, Estate Planning, Annuities or more, you can find articles related to that topic by clicking on it near the bottom of the home page. You can view a list of “most read” articles and subscribe online to Life Insurance Selling on the home page, as well as subscribe to our new weekly “LIS Quick Tips” e-newsletter, which will debut July 15.