Adrian Miller Sales Training
For anyone in sales, being savvy at networking isn’t just a good skill to have, it’s necessary for long-term success. Networking is an important part of building relationships with clients, vendors, and even your competitors. The reality is that people choose to refer business to and do business with those they already know and trust.
To build these enduring and hopefully profit-generating relationships that will help you in your career, you need to be able to present yourself as smart, professional and sincere. These traits are what will give you the edge you need to stand above the countless others who are also vying to network to get ahead. Like all other aspects of business, networking has unspoken rules of play that are essential to follow if you expect any success. Let’s call it networking etiquette. Here are the rules you need to know:
Express Your Appreciation
If someone has taken the thought and time to refer you to one of their contacts, consider it one of the most sincere forms of flattery. Interestingly, many of us often forget to thank those who make the effort and take the time to refer.