Members of the House voted 422-3 Monday to pass a health insurance benefits disclosure bill.
The bill, H.R. 1253, the Health Insurance Restrictions and Limitations Clarification Act of 2009, would require that group health plan sponsors disclosure coverage limits and restrictions in a timely, easily understandable fashion.
The House Energy and Commerce Committee approved the bill earlier this month by a voice vote.
House leaders put the bill on the suspension calendar, which is designed to allow for quick passage of non-controversial bills.
Rep. Michael Burgess, R-Texas, has introduced H.R. 1253 together with Rep. Bart Stupak, D-Mich.
The bill would require that the Employee Retirement Income Security Act be amended to require that any coverage limits or restrictions be disclosed to the plan sponsors in writing, before the point of sale.
The bill also would require a plan sponsor to provide, before workers and others enroll in a plan, “a description of such limitations and restrictions in a form that is easily understandable by such participants and beneficiaries.”