Can baby boomers put their not wanted/needed life policies up for sale in the life settlement marketplace?
Some settlement professionals have been looking into this and it appears that, in a few select cases, older boomers might be candidates for these transactions.
That would be boomers in their late 50s and early 60s, provided they have “significant” health issues that clearly shorten their life expectancy, says Gary Edelston, an advisor with GE Insurance Services, a Minneapolis agency.
The life expectancy issue is important, he stresses. Without that, “we have no market for boomers,” he says.
It is a narrow niche market, confirms Michael Coben, senior vice president at Coventry, a Ft. Washington, Pa. firm specializing in the secondary life insurance market. “There are few providers interested in older boomers, ages 56-60 … and I only know of one (settlement) firm that is interested.”
Coben says his own firm will look at policies of boomers age 60-65, but only in select situations–say someone whose health has declined since the policy was issued, and whose life expectancy is under 20 years.
Edelston’s firm did handle one life settlement for someone in his early 60s. That was for a person who not only did not want or need the policy, but who also had a short life expectancy, Edelston recalls. The life expectancy was beyond 2 years, but was not equal to that for a same-aged person in good health, he says.
Such cases are very rare, Edelston continues. “We did this one younger-age settlement out of 100s and 100s of life settlement transactions.”
Why the rarity? Traditional funders look for policyowners age 65 and up, preferably age 70 and up, because of the shorter life expectancy naturally associated with those age brackets, explain Edelston and Coben.
What they are after is life expectancies of 2 to 18-20 years, adds Michael Leibowitz, chief executive officer of Invescor, Ltd., a Farmington Hills, Mich. firm that processes settlement trades for large broker-dealers.
In the case of boomers, even older boomers, many are still very active and have life expectancies of over 20 years, he continues. “It’s hard to find a buyer” for their policies.
Why? Investors don’t want to hold policies for up to 35 years before they collect the death benefit, he says.
If the boomer is not in good health, “that does change the situation,” Leibowitz allows.
However, even here, selling the policy is not automatic, Leibowitz stresses. “Say the policyowner has diabetes, is overweight and is not complying with medical management for the condition. Such a boomer may not be able to find a buyer, because the boomer can later decide to lose weight or manage the diabetes,” he says.
On the other hand, if a boomer has a very serious condition that is not terminal but that definitely alters life expectancy, a buyer might be found. Examples of qualifying conditions could include certain cancers, progressive diseases or serious heart conditions, he says.
Is there a rule of thumb? “The closer the boomer is to age 55, the harder it is to settle the policy–due to the expectancy issue,” Leibowitz says.
That said, Leibowitz doesn’t expect the settlement market boundaries to stay fixed as they are today.
“As the market matures, age parameters will expand,” he predicts. “Ten years ago, investors were looking for expectancies of 2-8 years. But then institutional investors entered the market and the expectancies expanded, to 2-20 years today.
“Institutional investors are looking at settlements as a portfolio, for return on investment purposes. Since there is not that much risk to these investments, they have been willing to buy longer expectancies to balance out the portfolio.
“But, the longer the expectancies, the lower the ROI will be. So there will be a point where investors will find alternative investments that have more attractive ROI than with life settlements.”