Academic researchers will head to the Pacific Rim this summer to address topics such as life insurer management of portfolio risk and the insurance market's response to aging.
The International Association for the Study of Insurance Economics, Geneva, and the International Insurance Society Inc., New York, have awarded prizes to 3 academic papers dealing with matters of practical importance to insurers.
This year, award program organizers say, the winning papers are "Mortgage Backed Securities and Capital of Life Insurers: Was the Industry prepared for the Credit Crunch of 2007-2008?" by Etti Baranoff of Virginia Commonwealth University and Thomas Sager of the University of Texas at Austin; "New Paradigm for International Insurance Comparison: With an Application to Comparison of Seven Insurance Markets," by Wei Zheng of Peking University, Yongdong Liu of the China Academy of Sciences, and Yiting Deng of Peking University; and "The Life Insurance Market's Response to Aging: Mega or Mini?" by Gustavo Ferro of the Universidad Argentina de la Empresa in Argentina.