In order for people to hear about your services, you must conduct financial seminars in very nice and attractive restaurants. Before selecting restaurants, determine which zip codes you want to target. On a large map of your target region, label all of the zip codes. Using your own knowledge of the area, select the zip codes of the cities and counties you want to reach. You will want to select a direct mail marketing firm and then submit these codes for a report of “counts.” When submitting your postal codes for research, you will need to supplement them with the appropriate filters for your target market.
Once you know the count results for your zip codes, you can then group them for your seminar campaigns. You can maximize your time and efficiency by selecting the appropriate geographical rotation for your mailings. You do not want to meet with someone in the morning and then drive 100 miles to keep an appointment with someone else in the afternoon. Keep in mind that it is absolutely essential to time your mailings for the most successful response rates.
As I’ve mentioned before, my first seminar was conducted at a technical college and was catered by Chick-Fil-A. I’ve learned a lot since then. Offering a gourmet meal at an elegant restaurant will capture people’s attention and get them to read and respond to your invitation. Selecting the appropriate restaurant for your workshops takes time and money, but it’s also a lot of fun. You may even enjoy a free meal or two along the way.