Getting the word out about your firm can be a challenging endeavor. In the past, advisors have used brochures and business cards, seminars and direct mail. Today, the way information is being disseminated about advisors is changing dramatically. Before a prospect will come in to see you, they will most likely go online to find out about you — even if they were referred to you.
Your online presence defines you
Have you ever “Googled” yourself? When a prospect or client searches for you or arrives at your Web site, do they see what they want? Does it answer their questions and/or exceed their expectations? Most importantly, does it create a lasting impression about who you are?
7 seconds to make a great first impression
Recent statistics indicate that people form an opinion of a Web site in seven seconds and will decide whether to browse within your site or move on. With this in mind, it is important to have a Web site design that downloads quickly, is aesthetically pleasing, and tells users right away what’s in it for them. Simply put, your site need to stop visitors in their tracks.
Don’t forget your call to action
The success of a Web site is measured by your “Web conversion rate.” Visitors to your site need to be led and nudged so they eventually take the action you want. Several ways to encourage their interaction is to offer them something of value in exchange for filling out information (free report or newsletter). You can also give them an option to request a complimentary retirement analysis or to schedule an appointment (and yes, they will).