Some questions to ask when making the choice whether to manage or advise:
- When did you last review and refine your business strategy? Is it still relevant?
- Are the plans being implemented? If not, what are the impediments?
- How much time are you spending in meaningful face-to-face interaction with staff?
- Is there an identified successor to run the practice if something happens to you?
- What are the skills this person has and what is he/she missing? What is your process for closing these gaps, and when will you know it has been accomplished?
- Have you been able to assign the lead role of advising clients to anyone? If not, why?
- Have staff or clients expressed concern about your responsiveness, decision making, or lack of availability?
- Are you satisfied that you are giving full attention to all your clients?
- What’s missing in your deliverable?
- Are you confident that everybody’s plans are up to date?
- Are you confident that there are no gaps in your clients’ files that could make you vulnerable to a lawsuit?
- Do you have adequate time to spend on practice development, client service, and management?
- If you’re forced to make a choice due to time constraints, which area gets short shrift?
- Are you fulfilled in all of your responsibilities? If not, which ones would you change if you had options to do so?