Members of the insurance community are trying to remind U.S. consumers that death or disability may come quicker than they think.
The Life and Health Insurance Foundation for Education, Arlington, Va., has lined up more than 100 insurers and tens of thousands of agents to help make September Life Insurance Awareness Month.
LIFE today drew attention to the month by releasing results of an analysis by consultants at Milliman, Seattle, which show that a 25-year-old U.S. woman has a 12% chance of dying by attained age 65.
A 25-year-old U.S. man has a 19% chance of dying by attained age 65, LIFE warns.
By age 55, a U.S. man has an 11% chance of dying within the next 10 years.
“While we are living longer, there is still a very real risk that many Americans won’t live into their retirement years,” says LIFE Foundation President David Woods.