Effective July 1, 2007, Andrew McMahon, Executive Vice President of AXA Equitable Life Insurance Company, will become Chairman of AXA Advisors, LLC, the company’s retail distribution channel and broker/dealer. He will succeed Robert S. Jones, ChFC, CLU, who will retire from the company on June 30 after a successful 41-year career. Most recently, Mr. McMahon held the position of Chief Operating Officer of Retail Distribution. He will continue to serve as a member of the company’s Executive Management Committee. The announcement was made by Christopher M. “Kip” Condron, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of AXA Equitable, to whom Mr. McMahon continues to report.
Mr. McMahon will have overall responsibility for the management of the company’s retail distribution channel, including approximately 6,000 financial professionals and 60 branch offices nationwide and in Puerto Rico. In his role as Chairman, he will continue to drive strategy for profitable growth across retail distribution, focusing on management development, recruiting, retention, and development of new and experienced financial professionals, and veteran productivity.
In making the announcement, Mr. Condron said, “Andrew has made significant contributions in strengthening the efficiency and effectiveness of our retail distribution organization since joining the company in 2005. He is the natural successor to continue to build on the foundation he and Bob Jones created to drive profitable growth across retail, to enhance our value proposition for new and existing financial professionals, and to further align our business processes in pursuit of the company’s long term goals.”