Private life and health insurers are experiencing increasing pressure from regulators and the government to show that their risk selection process is fair and actuarially sound.
Well-intended laws seek to protect people from discrimination, and so, for example, in some countries it is unlawful to afford different treatment to people with disabilities or with characteristics indicating a propensity to disease or early death.
Unless private insurers are afforded exemptions from such laws, or can secure favorable amendments in the drafting stages, this approach may run counter to the basic principles under which the industry operates.
Private insurance is a commercial, voluntary undertaking to provide financial security for members of an insured pool of risks. This fundamental concept is at risk unless private insurers are able to enjoy the commercial freedom to price and underwrite according to the risk presented. This is the fairest way to cover the maximum number of people at an affordable cost.
That freedom is based on the ability to pool risk, which is critical to life and health insurance pricing.
To maintain the balance within the pool, life insurers use individual life underwriting.
Life underwriting:
Enables life insurers to judge whether a risk falls within a particular pool and how any extra risk might be handled.
Allows for some risks to be better–and some worse–than the average risk in the pool.
Helps to avoid large cross-subsidization between the premiums paid by one group of policyholders and those of another group with a significantly different risk profile.
Underwriting reduces the risk of ‘anti-selection’ and keeps the system in balance. Unexpected claims will result if there is deliberate or innocent non-disclosure by the applicant, and/or if insurers are legally prevented from asking for the information they need to understand the complete risk profile.
The cost of this anti-selection must be cross-subsidized by the pool, and therefore by other policyholders. Insurers’ increased exposure due to anti-selection may cause prices to go up or products to be withdrawn, leading to lower availability, affordability and consumer choice.