Selling large life insurance policies is seldom easy. No matter how urgent and appropriate the need, advisors must address many obstacles before clients approve the sale. Finding solutions to the hurdles that arise may mean the difference between a big payday and no sale. In larger cases, creative planning is the rule, not the exception.
How to pay the premium
Frequently, clients don’t have enough Crummey beneficiaries to meet the size of the premium. For example, Tom and Jane are age 70 and 67, respectively, and in reasonably good health.
They would like to purchase a $10 million guaranteed survivorship universal life policy with a premium of approximately $175,000 per year. If Tom and Jane only have two married children and are willing to make Crummey gifts to the in-laws, they can gift $96,000 per year ($12,000 per year per donee beginning in 2006).
One solution would be to recommend using some of their lifetime exemption of $1 million each to make up the difference. Use of Crummey powers also means that someone will have to send Crummey notices annually. A gift tax return will also have to be filed with regard to the exemption gift. This amount of compliance usually creates an unwanted expense–and aggravation–and is frequently a deal killer.
A solution to the problem
Tom and Jane have a house worth $1.75 million. Since they’re interested in getting their estate planning in order, we will suggest they put their home into a qualified personal residence trust (QPRT). The trust lets Tom and Jane transfer their home to their children at a “discounted” value.
The Internal Revenue Service has formulas and a methodology for determining the value of the gift. By using some of their $1 million exemption now, they will remove the value of the home from their estates as long as they outlive the term of the trust.
Furthermore, any additional appreciation of the home will occur outside of Tom’s and Jane’s estates. Because one of the motivations for this planning is to facilitate a large life insurance sale, in Tom and Jane’s case we will recommend a three-year QPRT. This will use almost $700,000 of exemption for both Tom and Jane.