“Schwab is back; the turnaround is real,” proclaimed Christopher Dodds, the CFO
of Charles Schwab & Co. at the opening session in Seattle on September 26 of
Impact 2005, the annual gathering of advisors who do business with Schwab
Institutional (SI). Dodds was referring to the financial turnaround at Schwab
reflected in the company’s first-half 2005 results: while revenue was flat at
$2.14 billion, net income was up 21% to $331 million, and as of the end of
August, Schwab had $1.1trillion in client assets. Dodds pledged that “we are
committed to Schwab Institutional and to investing in you,” and pointed out that
SI has produced the company’s “least volatile” revenue–SI is accounting for 17%
of Schwab revenue.