Rider Marketing After The Sale: A Non-Traditional Approach That Works
Most insurance companies will readily admit they are largely dissatisfied with the sales generated from the myriad of riders they have worked so hard to develop. And agents often view these riders as unnecessary complications that increase the price of the underlying products they are trying to sell.
With most life insurance companies, thats the end of the story. Few give any real consideration to the opportunity to sell riders after the issuance of the base policy.
This reality is the result of traditional thinking, the fact that riders are "smaller ticket" items, and an acknowledgement that agents dont want to be bothered.
This is unfortunate because the opportunity can be meaningful. Post-issue marketing activity can generate significant amounts of new premium at low acquisition costs, resulting in substantial increases in the return of investment on profitable business. It also can often be the difference between profit and loss on business that has not performed as originally priced.
Now, you probably are thinking: "This sounds good, but if the agents are not willing to sell the riders, how do I capitalize on the opportunity?"
The answer is direct marketing. If executed properly, a direct marketing program involving riders can meet the needs of the companyincluding its agents and its policyholders.
Many companies shy away from direct marketing opportunities because of concerns over distribution channel conflict. However, we have seen repeatedly that, if handled correctly, agents actually welcome the activity, seeing it as a way to service the majority of their portfolios they cannot properly reach.
It is very important that the agent not be overlooked in the process of developing a direct marketing plan for riders. If a company follows a simple formula, there will be very few problems with disgruntled agents. If they do not, problems are inevitable.
The formula consists of 3 basic elementscommunication, compensation and control (see box for description).