To The Editor:
This is in appreciation of Jack Bobos views. Each week when I receive your fine publication, National Underwriter, the first article I always search for is the “To the Point” column by Jack Bobo.
Being in the holiday spirit, I realized that I have never written or called Jack to let him know how much I appreciate his wisdom and the fine manner in which he gets his points of view across. Therefore, I thought Id take the time to send this letter.
In the Nov. 24 column titled, “The Difference Insurance Makes,” he made several valid points as usual. However, there were 3 points that really hit home with me that I totally agree with him on:
His comment: “One of the ironies though is that insurance is so appreciated when it is needed but often abused at other times.” I would love to have our industry take out an advertisement just highlighting this point.
His point: “Our system too often is taken for granted as more and more people believe they are entitled to a totally riskless society.” Its my contention that we are now in the (why me?) time frame when society feels it is someone elses responsibility to solve our own problems, instead of individually planning for such risks as life brings to each of us.