Regarding Irreplaceable Life
To The Editor:
I enjoyed Michael Pinkans Dec. 23/30 article, especially the last paragraph. Irreplaceable Life would be great, just what the industry needs.
But, we must remember that life insurance is sold by agent/advisors. It is not sold and retained in any substantial quantity by direct mail, 800 phone lines, radio talk shows, TV infomercials, Internet Web sites, department store kiosks or insurance desks.
As Pinkans correctly points out, “Prospects have to be turned into clients. No product evolution will ever change that value proposition.”
The purpose of advertising is to attract or retain the customer and provide a call to action. Why then do life insurance companies advertise on Super Bowl Sunday, as if some football fan will become so motivated that at half time he will leap from his chair and call a life insurance company and ask for instant coverage. The agent is the customer of the company, not the purchaser.