Regent 2000
Designed for use in the estate planning and accumulation market as well; first-to-die rider can fund roll-out.
Overture Bravo!
Designed for use in the estate planning and asset accumulation markets; competitive cash values and compensation; especially suited for use within the company’s asset conservation program.
Clarity Survivorship VUL
Low minimum premiums; flexibility through the insured life protection rider; one uninsurable life available; simple, one medical question application; carry-over target into the 2nd year.
Capital Select Dimension Five Flexible Premium Survivor
Multiple fixed account options; death benefit continues beyond age 95 (asset-based charges continue and insurance-related charges cease); streamlined load structure; no policy fee; VA-type liquidity options.
American Vision JSVUL 2000
Priced competitively and performs well in both accumulation and premium-to-endow scenarios; options include secondary guarantees; 10 “manager of manager” funds; two types of no-charge portfolio rebalancing.
Variable Estate Protection II
Unique features are incorporated to address the needs of the estate planning market.
Venture Survivorship VUL
Competitive premium solves; unique 20-year no-lapse guarantee; flexible term insurance rider; preferred rates to age 90.
Variable Survivorship Life
Designed for cash accumulation and cash distributions; guaranteed zero-cost loan feature; rider to guarantee the death benefit to age 100; an aggressively underwritten product; one uninsurable available.
Survivorship VUL II
Ability to increase the face amount of the policy allows planning for changing needs; appeals to people whose incomes fluctuate, and to businesses that need premium structures to match their income flows.
Sentinel Estate Provider
Designed for competitive premiums with strong accumulation values; priced to be competitive at the middle and advanced ages.