Page 23 - Investment Advisor October 2022
P. 23

There are only a small number of ways in which an RIA firm   panies before creating a plan and “focus on your weaknesses
                 can grow, DeVoe said. They are market performance, adding   first,” especially those things that he said may be “constraining
                 new clients, asset movement among existing clients, M&As,   your ability to capitalize on the things that you’re good at.”
                 and one-off events that raise added capital, he said.  It’s important to make sure that an organization’s plan
                   Noting that his firm consults  on many M&A transactions   has “foundational elements” in place, warning that without
                 valued between $250 million and $3 billion, DeVoe pointed out   “certain underpinnings … the entire structure will collapse as
                 that all too often, while “we’re working with a seller, they get   you build it.” Other important pieces of the puzzle, he said:
                 pretty far down field and you had a transaction and they start   Figuring out what kind of clients your company and its advi-
                 thinking” about how their staffs will respond.     sors have and want to be focused on, and narrowing down the
                   RIA firm owners are often worried about what the impact   services that it specializes in.
                 will be on their advisors and other staff. But DeVoe tells them
                 the transaction is going to be great for their staff, he noted. For   Organic Growth
                 one thing, by joining a bigger firm that’s growing faster, their   Despite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and other challenges,
                 career paths will become better and the “compensation picture   RIA firms saw “tremendous growth” in 2021, according to Charles
                 is better” as well, he said.                       Schwab’s 2022 RIA Benchmarking Study. It was an “exceptional
                   Especially now, amid the Great Resignation in which many   year” for RIAs in 2021, according to Lisa Salvi, managing director
                 people are leaving their firm or looking to do so, he said break-  of business consulting and education at Schwab Advisor Services.
                 ing the news of an acquisition to advisors and other staff in the   “You continued to be there for your clients and you leveraged
                 right way is crucial.                              a lot of the learnings and experiences from the pandemic over
                   One thing to avoid is presenting them with nine or 10 bullet   the  past two years  to  drive absolutely  incredible performance
                 points on how the transaction will help them, he said. As long   when we look at nearly any business metric,” Salvi said. (The
                 as you have figured out why it’s important for the firm to grow,   study includes self-reported data from 1,218 firms with $25 mil-
                 “you’re in a position to talk to your staff and get them to engage   lion or more in assets custodied with Schwab or TD Ameritrade.)
                 [and] your rationale for growth really needs to support your   Organic growth, excluding market performance, played
                 company’s purpose,” he noted.                      “a pivotal role” in RIA growth in 2021, the research found.
                   If the owner of an RIA firm just dwells on the growth in and   “Driving  organic  growth  were  increases  in  assets  from  new
                 of itself, he warned that their engagement level may not be very   clients and assets from existing clients, both of which also
                 high. It’s much smarter to say something like: “Hey, you know   reached 5-year highs,” Schwab said.
                 what?  We’re  doing  something  really,  really  good  for  the  U.S.   What factors are playing a key role in organic growth? “Having
                 investors overall. ... We’re taking care of our friends to help them   intentional and documented strategies helped firms achieve strong
                 manage their money better. And frankly, this is a good thing.”  client acquisition results. Firms with written marketing plans,
                                                                    ideal client personas, and client value propositions attracted more
                 Succession Planning                                new clients than firms that didn’t have all three in place. Firms
                 Noting that he’s done “a lot of succession work over the last   with written referral plans gained more new clients from those
                 19 years, working with advisors to try to put these succession   channels than firms without referral plans,” the report stated.
                 plans in place,” DeVoe said the industry is, however, still “fail-  Schwab zoomed in on the role of organic assets growth gen-
                 ing in that regard [and] 30% of advisors are challenged putting   erated by RIAs’ existing advisors and clients and found that this
                 succession plans in place.”                        figure jumped to 8.2% in 2021 from 6.0% in 2020 for firms with
                   What DeVoe determined is that many RIA owners “just get   under $250 million in assets. Organic growth for firms with over
                 overwhelmed by the complexity” of a succession plan, he said.   $250 million in assets increased to 7% in 2021 from 4.5% in 2020.
                 The focus is often on the client list, website and social media   For firms with performance that put them in the top 20% of all
                 presence, “Pretty soon, you get overwhelmed and you’re like,   RIAs surveyed, organic growth rose to 16.1% vs. 9.2% in 2020.
                 ‘wow, where do I even get started with this?’” he said.  Overall, the median RIA firm ended 2021 with $545 million
                   What is needed is a methodical approach to “start think-  in assets under management, with AUM up 19.5% from 2020
                 ing through this, to get started [and] to start putting action in   that led to a five-year compound annual growth rate of 14.1%,
                 place,” he said, adding: “Your goal is to have [a] comprehensive,   according to Schwab.  The median RIA firm ended 2021 with
                 integrated plan. This is how you drive long-term growth for   $3.2 million in revenue, up 23.2%, with the five-year CAGR up
                 your organization.”                                11.3%. Meanwhile, the number of clients for the median RIA
                   DeVoe also advised RIA firm owners to evaluate their com-  firm was 307, up 6.2% with the five-year CAGR up 5.1%.

                                                                                        OCTOBER 2022 INVESTMENT ADVISOR 21
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