Page 18 - Investment Advisor October 2022
P. 18


                 By Michael Finke

                 Why Advisors Shouldn't Dismiss Index-Linked Annuities

                 Investments that limit downside (and upside) aren’t “inefficient gimmicks.”

                      ales of registered index-linked                                FIA outcomes in a low interest rate envi-
                      annuities (RILAs) have more than                               ronment over five years ranges from 0%
                 Sdoubled from $4.3 billion in the                                   at the 1st percentile to 7% at the median
                 second quarter of 2020 to $8.9 billion                              to about 12% at the 95th percentile.
                 by the end of 2021. What’s driving the                              Growth is similar to expected growth
                 appeal of protection products offered                               on safe bonds but without the potential
                 within an annuity wrapper? Why would                                downside of term and credit risk. Still,
                 any investor want a complex financial                               any attempt to position 0% floor prod-
                 product that promises protection at the                             ucts as “upside with no downside” is
                 expense of significant upside? And why                              disingenuous since the upside is lower
                 choose an annuity when similar prod-                                at the 95th percentile than a bond fund.
                 ucts exist as ETFs?                                                   Purchasing a RILA with a -10% floor
                   First, they shouldn’t dismiss them as an                          allows an investor to increase the poten-
                 inefficient gimmick. In a series of detailed   retire at age 65. At the 10th percentile,   tial upside to 19% at the 90th percentile.
                 articles written while he was head of   they will have $410,000. At the 1st per-  The upside is limited to the call options
                 retirement research at Morningstar, David   centile, stocks will fall to $265,000. A   budget available to capture modest
                 Blanchett lays out the complex econom-  lucky retiree at the 90th percentile will   growth  after  the  insurance  company
                 ics that underlie the potential benefits of   have over $1 million.   invests in bonds to guarantee returning
                 financial products that use a combination   In  five  years, they should  be able  to   90% of principal.  A -10% floor allows a
                 of fixed income investments, equities, and   withdraw about $22,000 from the por-  bigger options budget than a 0% floor.
                 financial options to create a customized   tion of their portfolio invested in bonds   RILAs with a buffer allow an inves-
                 distribution of outcomes.         (of course this ignores the potential risk   tor to accept a greater range of poten-
                   Why might a retiree prefer an option-  of bonds). If the retiree gets lucky and   tial upside and downside outcomes.
                 controlled retirement investment  to a   achieves the 90th percentile of returns,   Buffered annuities are an interesting
                 traditional long-only portfolio of stocks   they’ll be able to withdraw $47,200 from   concept because they seem to be tai-
                 and bonds? According to Nobel laure-  their stocks based on the 4% rule. If   lor-made for loss-averse investors. The
                 ates Robert Merton and Myron Scholes,   they get unlucky at the 10th percentile,   insurance company protects against the
                 financial options can be used to construct   they’ll only be able to withdraw $16,400.     first 10% of losses, preventing small loss-
                 investments that “can be used by inves-  Is the retiree willing to accept the   es that often result in a big emotional
                 tors to produce patterns of returns which   downside risk of spending $38,400 each   response. However, investors are on the
                 are not reproducible by any simple strat-  year in order to achieve the potential   hook for losses beyond -10%.
                 egy of combining stocks with bonds.”   upside of $69,200 if they get lucky? At   For example, a -10% buffer would
                   Consider a 60-year-old baby boomer   lower percentiles the potential downside   turn the -37% return from the S&P in
                 who is five years away from retirement.   and upside become even more extreme   2008 into a -27% return. Big negative
                 The market has performed well over   (as low as $32,600 at the 1st percentile).   returns are far less common than small
                 the last decade, and they have $500,000   Is this a risk the client is willing to accept?  negative returns with a bell-shaped
                 invested today in the S&P 500 and   An  alternative is  to  give  up  some  of   return  distribution.  Investors  are  com-
                 $500,000 in bonds to fund the lifestyle   the upside to cut off some (or all) of   pletely protected against most losses
                 they hope to lead. The distribution of   the downside risk. In a low interest   and buffered against large ones.
                 bond returns over the next five years is   rate environment, products with floors   Of course, there is a cost. The insur-
                 relatively narrow. The distribution of the   offer less upside potential and more   ance company needs to employ an
                 overall portfolio is wider and depends   closely resemble fixed income invest-  options strategy to provide the buffer.
                 primarily on five-year stock returns.  ments. However, products such as fixed   This will limit the upside potential of a
                   If we run a Monte Carlo analysis on   indexed annuities (FIAs) won’t fall in   RILA distribution. For example, at the
                 the S&P 500, we can see how much their   value if interest rates spike.    90th percentile a buffered annuity will   Adobe Stock
                 future wealth can vary by the time they   In practical terms, the distribution of   have a 31% return over five years and

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