Page 15 - Investment Advisor July/August 2021
P. 15

At the same time, the short-lived cam-  not by acquisition, but by adding new   DON’T OFFEND PROSPECTS
                paign promoted Riskalyze’s approach as   capabilities for trading and rebalancing,   As a result, the attack campaign
                the preferred route for fiduciaries, and   model  marketplaces  and even a  white-  becomes even more confounding given
                anyone serious about advising clients   labeled robo advisor to the platform. At   Riskalyze’s precarious “boxed-in” posi-
                needed to stop using Orion’s Hidden   the  same time, Riskalyze has  pursued   tion as an island in a sea of giants. The
                Levers and Rixtrema immediately.  an  aggressive  integration  strategy  with   best  it  can  come  up  with  is  to  assault
                  What could possibly go wrong? Well,   adjacent technology platforms, suc-  smaller competitors, which it had to
                just about everything.            cessfully embedding itself in just about   know had the real possibility of backfir-
                                                  everyone’s workflows.             ing in a spectacular way.
                OOPS! NEVER MIND                    As a result,  it could be that    This competitive message had no
                Most notably, the thoughtful, high-road   Riskalyze  is  running  out  of  room  to   chance of propelling the brand forward,
                response from Orion and Rixtrema was   collaborate with the industry and now   let alone persuading Hidden Levers and
                quick and effective — so much so that   needs to compete directly with the   Rixtrema users to change their minds
                it took less than 48 hours for Riskalyze   consolidating giants.    and  buy  Riskalyze  licenses  instead.
                to realize the strategic error                                              The particularly aggressive
                it had made. The firm walked   Consolidators and their PE                   message suggested that, as
                back this communications                                                    an advisor, if you use these
                disaster, took down the      backers will argue that scale is               platforms, then you are not
                “” web-    needed to continue to invest in                worthy. I’m pretty sure that
                site and deleted all references                                             in the history of business,
                to videos. These actions were  wealthtech — and there is merit to           deliberately offending pros-
                followed by an even more   that argument with commissions                   pects has never worked as a
                public “mea culpa” due to                                                   marketing strategy.
                all of the attention the attack   and interest rates going to zero —          As we look forward, the
                campaign garnered, which                                                    question remains: Is this just
                was humbly delivered via a      but at what ultimate cost?                  a  marketing  blunder  or  the
                Twitter thread from Klein                                                   start of an ongoing war, as
                wishing he could take it all back and not   Riskalyze’s evolution brings the prof-  Riskalyze’s product development road
                name competitors directly.        itable basis points that TAMPs, trad-  map brings it more into direct con-
                  What makes this whole incident even   ing, rebalancing, reporting and portfolio   flict with the consolidating giants and
                more curious is that Riskalyze didn’t   management systems deliver directly   the rest of the wealthtech industry?
                have to take on this level of brand risk,   into Riskalyze’s competitive sights —   Will  others  move to  the dark  side  and
                as it is by far the market leader in its   all of which, by the way, make up the   respond in kind?
                category. By definition, market leaders   majority of Orion’s revenue streams.   Meantime, history has taught us that
                do not need to engage in guerrilla mar-  Thus, it is clear that Riskalyze and firms   the more an industry consolidates, the
                keting, as the only outcome will be to   like  Orion  have  been  on  a  collision   more opportunities are created for inno-
                elevate competitors, damage their own   course for some time.       vators on the fringe. The good news is
                brand and plant doubt in the indus-  Complicating matters for Riskalyze is   that all you have to do is take one look
                try regarding the long-term viability of   the capital raise of $20 million in insti-  at Michael Kitces’ fintech landscape
                the firm. Even more curious is that the   tutional funding it received from FTV   chart (
                approach is so out of character for Klein,   Capital back in 2016. Perhaps that equity   map/) to see the light glowing from
                as he is widely known, admired and   needs to be replaced, as PE and VC fund-  the emerging renaissance in technology
                respected as a collegial, authentic and   ing typically has a time frame of five   innovation that is alive and well in the
                positive leader.                  to seven years? These financing issues   independent wealth space.
                  Which  leaves  the  industry  scratch-  could be putting even more pressure on
                ing its collective heads and wonder-  Klein and Riskalyze to grow faster and   Timothy D. Welsh, CFP, is president, CEO and
                ing, why this approach? And why now?   attract new investment as more large-  founder of Nexus Strategy, LLC, a consulting
    Adobe Stock  ing strategy to venture further up the   space, such as Orion with its purchase of   firm to the wealth management industry and
                                                  scale competitors are entering the risk
                One popular theory is Riskalyze’s evolv-
                                                                                    can be reached at [email protected] or on
                                                  Hidden Levers.
                investment management supply chain,
                                                                                    Twitter @NexusStrategy.
                                                                                    JULY/AUGUST 2021 INVESTMENT ADVISOR 13
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