Page 13 - Investment Advisor July/August 2021
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community — which currently includes   According to EBSA officials, major   updated records for participants vested
                over 700,000 retirement plans, about   cases are more resource intensive; there-  in company retirement plans.”
                2.5 million health plans, and countless   fore, in that same period, the total num-  EBSA officials told GAO that the agency
                service providers.”               ber  of investigations  that  were closed   focuses on the participants “who may face
                  Overall, the size of EBSA’s full-time   dropped by more than 62%.   financial hardship if they don’t receive
                regional office enforcement staff started   “The DOL’s more selective and tar-  their  promised  retirement  benefits  on
                at  506 in  FY2011,  peaked  in  FY2014  at   geted enforcement activity in recent   time and without excessive fees, espe-
                569, and ended in FY2020 at 492 — 97%   years is in marked contrast to the explo-  cially during economic downturns.” As a
                of where it started, the Eversheds attor-  sion  of  private  litigation  that  is  engulf-  result, GAO said, “the increase in missing
                neys state. By comparison, the Securities   ing pension and health plans over all   participants may lead to a greater need for
                and Exchange Commission “has a staff   manner of issues — fees, disclosures,   related enforcement investigations.”
                of over 2,400 personnel engaged in com-  conflicts, investment performance, ben-  Retirement plan administrators “have
                parable functions.”               efits administration,” said Brian Doyle,   an obligation to keep accurate and up-
                  The GAO report also includes details   a partner at O’Melvney & Myers LLP in   to-date records on plan participants and
                about the enforcement priorities                                         take appropriate actions to find
                of EBSA at both the national and   The GAO found that as virtual         missing former employees, so the
                regional level.                                                          plan can pay promised benefits
                                             hearings increased, litigation              when they come due,” GAO said.
                FOCUS ON ‘MAJOR CASES’        resumed, but finding missing                 EBSA officials told the GAO
                EBSA argued in a 2012 paper,                                             that “many missing participants
                the Eversheds attorneys state,   participants would remain a             are not aware of their benefits
                “that  it  would  best  leverage  its   long-term challenge and may      and, without the plan’s diligent
                resources and maximize recover-                                          efforts, may never receive their
                ies for plans and participants if   be an area that needs more           benefits,” the report states.
                it focused its investigations on                                           “Several stakeholders men-
                ‘major cases’ involving service   investigative resources.               tioned the challenge of locating
                providers to many plans or plans                                         missing participants, which exist-
                with systemic compliance problems.”  Washington, who specializes in ERISA,   ed prior to COVID-19, and their desire for
                  The agency has since steered its enforce-  in an email to Investment Advisor. “If   additional guidance about the steps plans
                ment efforts towards these major cases.   one assumes that DOL has less institu-  must take to locate them,” the GAO said.
                  “The GAO report attributes a 62%   tional interest in targeting plans that the   These stakeholders expected the
                decrease  in  the  enforcement  cases   ERISA plaintiffs’ bar is already swarm-  increase in job loss due to the pandemic
                closed annually over the 10-year period,   ing, then the list of available investigation   to lead to more missing participants,
                accompanied by a 126% increase in the   targets is going to continue to narrow.”  which  would make  finding  them even
                annual dollar amount of recoveries, pri-  DOL actions against registered   more difficult, the GAO said.
                marily to the major case emphasis,” the   investment advisors, Doyle continued,   In early January, EBSA issued miss-
                Eversheds attorney said.          “have historically been less common   ing participants guidance that set out
                  Major cases may include investigations   than other DOL enforcement activity,   a range of best practices fiduciaries of
                of service providers with many plans and   and that hasn’t changed in my estima-  retirement  plans, such  as 401(k) plans,
                plan participants or systemic problems in   tion. Consistent with the overall trend   should consider as steps their plan could
                the plan that may require significant asset   in ERISA litigation, though, some of   take to help reduce missing participant
                                                  the actions DOL has commenced more
                                                                                    issues and ensure that plan participants
                management or administrative reforms,
    DCStockPhotography/Shutterstock  eries for participants more than dou-  theories that put big numbers in play.”   reach retirement age.
                                                                                    receive promised benefits when they
                                                  recently rest on increasingly audacious
                the attorneys state. Total monetary recov-
                bled from fiscal year 2011 through 2020,
                                                                                      In fiscal year 2020, EBSA reports that
                                                  MORE ‘MISSING’ PARTICIPANTS
                                                                                    its investigators helped missing and nonre-
                according to the GAO report.
                                                                                    sponsive participants recover benefits with
                  “The focus on major cases, which began
                                                                                    a present value in excess of $1.4 billion.
                in 2013, accounts for much of that growth,
                                                  The  GAO  report notes that while an
                                                  increase in job loss may lead to an increase
                with nearly 80% of total recoveries from
                all sources coming from major cases in
                                                  in missing retirement plan participants,
                                                                                    Washington Bureau Chief Melanie Waddell can
                2020,” the Eversheds attorneys said.
                                                  “failing businesses may struggle to keep
                                                                                    be reached at [email protected].
                                                                                    JULY/AUGUST 2021 INVESTMENT ADVISOR 11
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