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                Schwab: What Advisors Can Expect From TD Ameritrade Integration

                Charles Schwab is preparing                                                 the company is “deep in the
                to bring TD Ameritrade clients                                              process of integrating much
                to its platform, and the com-                                               of TD Ameritrade’s core trad-
                pletion of the integration of                                               ing technology, including the
                TD Ameritrade into Schwab’s                                                 popular” thinkpipes and iRebal
                business is still on track to be                                            portfolio rebalancing capabili-
                completed within 36 months,                                                 ties that many advisors use.
                according to John Tovar,                                                      Schwab is also “hard at
                managing director of wealth                                                 work combining the popular
                management services for TD                                                  features of both” Schwab
                Ameritrade Institutional.                                                   Advisor Center and TD
                  “As far as the actual con-                                                Ameritrade’s Veo One plat-
                version date … when we will                                                 forms “into a modernized,
                be moving the accounts and                                                  industry-leading digital expe-
                assets from TD Ameritrade                                                   rience,” Hathi told viewers.
                over to the Schwab platform,                                                Company executives have
                we’re still targeting that sec-                                             previously said the goal is to
                ond half of 2023,” he said in                                               combine the best elements of
                the virtual Schwab Impact                                                   each firm’s platforms.
                conference session “Integration Update:   numbers will be assigned,” Tovar noted.  The company also will “continue to
                Preparing TD Ameritrade Advisors” in   Additionally, “as we get closer to the   invest for the future to ensure that we
                October. “Our plan is to begin communi-  actual conversion date … there’ll likely   can meet your needs well past conver-
                cating and getting the integration going   be a brief blackout on certain functions,   sion in areas like personalization, data
                from an advisor perspective in earnest in   such as updating the account informa-  integration and privacy and security,”
                the second half of 2022.”         tion on the platform,” he warned TD   she said.
                  He added: “From an integration stand-  Ameritrade advisors. But trading and
                point, we are still really deep into the   “all Move Money functionality will not   More Positive Digital Adoption Signs
                conversion planning process and our pri-  be disrupted through this transition pro-  “We continue to see unprecedented digi-
                mary focus is to make this as seamless a   cess,” he said.          tal adoption, prompted by the pandemic
                transition as possible.”            Although TD Ameritrade client   but actually continuing at a quicker pace
                  The company has an “unwavering   account numbers will be changed when   than we would have seen just even a
                commitment to all advisors, as we go   shifted over to Schwab, he said “all of the   couple of years ago,” Hathi added.
                through this process, that we will ensure   attributes on the existing client accounts   During the pandemic, Schwab’s Digital
                that you are prepared, well-informed and   will come over,” including standing   Account Open tool “saw a 70% jump in
                we have informational and training mate-  instructions and transactional history.  adoption,” she said. There was a also a
                rial well in advance of conversion,” he   To further ease TD Ameritrade advi-  40% increase in application program-
                told advisors.                    sors’ minds, he said: “If we make any   ming interface (API) usage by advisors in
                  Schwab completed its acquisition of   decisions that will impact the advisor   2020, she noted.
                TD Ameritrade in October 2020.    or their end clients, they’ll have plenty   The company predicts that growth will
                                                  of notice.”                       continue and RIA firms will proceed to
                Expect ‘Brief Blackout’             Diving deeper into the integration pro-  increase their tech budgets and expand
                When accounts are moved over from TD   cess, Neesha Hathi, chief digital officer   their use of digital solutions with clients,
                Ameritrade to Schwab, “new account   and managing director at Schwab, said   she said. —Jeff Berman

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                                                                                       DECEMBER 2021 INVESTMENT ADVISOR 1
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