Page 5 - Investment Advisor September 2022
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                 10 Strategies for Growing Your Business: Natixis

                 Financial advisory firms can follow sev-
                 eral strategies in order to expand their
                 practices over the next few years, accord-
                 ing to the findings of a recent survey
                 of 2,700 financial professionals world-
                 wide published by Natixis Investment
                 Managers, which are summarized below.
                   1. Demonstrate value to clients
                 beyond asset allocation: The largest
                 number of advisors (49%) said that in
                 order to grow, advisory firms must add
                 value beyond asset allocation. “This ties
                 in directly to a major transition under   4. Embrace technology: Focusing on   clients are looking to invest in digital
                 way in the wealth management busi-  technology upgrades was cited by 38%   assets,” the firm said.
                 ness,” according to Natixis. “Many finan-  of respondents as a “critical step to   8. Adapt your business model to
                 cial professionals have found that shifting   ensuring success,” according to Natixis.   meet emerging client needs “With client
                 the focus of their business from portfolio   “This can include investing in a customer   demand for financial planning on the rise,
                 management to financial planning can   relationship management system to   advisors are making the transition to a
                 strengthen long-term relationships.”  make their service efforts more efficient,   more holistic business model by expand-
                   2. Build relationships with next-  or digital tools that give clients a self-  ing services on the planning side and
                 generation heirs: Another 45% said they   serve option for routine requests,” the   implementing model portfolios on the
                 thought advisory firm success would   firm noted.                   investment side,” Natixis noted.
                 depend on building relationships with   5. Streamline your client base:   9. Target more female and LGBTQ
                 next-generation heirs. “Building relation-  Although streamlining their client bases   clients “Tailoring an offering to women
                 ships may often be geared to retaining   will help advisory firms grow their busi-  could be a significant opportunity for
                 assets when client wealth is transferred,   nesses, “advisors are less likely to see   financial professionals,” according to
                 but it is also an opportunity to add new   other factors such as streamlining their   Natixis. “Another opportunity for growth
                 clients and win the current assets of cli-  client base (25%) … as critical to their   focuses on LGBTQ investors. Tailoring
                 ent heirs,” Natixis said.         success,” Natixis said the survey found.  planning and investing services to the
                   3. Retain existing clients, while add-  6. Manage client expectations effec-  unique experiences and family dynamics
                 ing about 20 new ones a year: “The   tively: “Financial professionals see inves-  of LGBTQ clients can help financial pro-
                 median number of clients that financial   tor expectations for risk and return chal-  fessionals deliver genuine value to a cli-
                 professionals think they will need to add   lenged by volatile markets,” according to   ent base with significant economic clout.”
                 annually over the next three years to   Natixis. “Their advice: Investors should   10. Create a succession plan if you
                 achieve their growth goals is 20,” accord-  control what they can. Their emotions.”   don’t have one: Succession planning
                 ing to Natixis. Referrals from accoun-  7. Get up to speed on crypto: Meeting   was cited by just 24% of respondents as
                 tants, lawyers and other professionals   client demand for crypto was “at the   critical to the success of advisory firms,
                 were cited by 48% of respondents as   bottom of [the] list of success factors”   according to Natixis. However, industry
                 a method that helped drive growth.   cited by respondents, at just 16%, Natixis   experts have consistently urged advisory
                 “In-person events and experiences such
                                                   said. That is because respondents said
                                                                                     firm owners to create succession plans
             Adobe Stock  as client seminars and dinners proved to   it was “out of their area of expertise.”   to, among other things, help ensure the
                                                                                     ongoing success of their firms after they
                                                   Still “financial professionals may want
                 be effective for one-third of professionals
                                                   to learn more, as a growing number of
                 (34%), it added.
                                                                                     retire. —Jeff Berman
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