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                How to Build a Stellar Online Reputation

                A stellar online reputation                                                  come up in search, sometimes
                is one of an advisor’s most                                                  right on page one!
                powerful marketing assets.
                Sadly, so many advisors take                                                 The Void
                it for granted. If you’ve been in                                            Worst is that someone could
                the financial services business                                              Google your name and dis-
                for more than a minute, then                                                 cover nothing at all about you.
                you probably realize that the                                                While it’s tempting to believe
                process of engaging prospects                                                “no news is good news,” being
                and getting referrals has dra-                                               a ghost online does nothing
                matically changed.                                                           to help you eliminate barri-
                  In the 21st century, people                                                ers that keep good prospects
                of all ages spend time                                                       from becoming clients.
                researching products, busi-                                                   When I search for a busi-
                nesses, and service providers long before   their clients live and in-person, it didn’t   ness owner or professional and cannot
                making contact. Social proof, such as   matter whether they had an online repu-  find anything about them, not even their
                ratings and reviews, provides shortcuts   tation or not. The pandemic proved this   website, I tend to feel an almost imme-
                in the decision-making process and helps   thinking to be short-sighted. Financial   diate lack of trust. At best, no online
                give a business more authority more   services went digital in a big way, and   presence may telegraph carelessness or
                quickly. Articles, blog posts, videos, and   getting found online became essential. So   laziness on the part of a financial advisor.
                podcasts contribute transparency and   did making sure that what people found   Potential clients need to find you, and
                create greater trust.             online was accurate and enticing.  what they find needs to be representative
                  Asking for outside help with money                                of your values, work ethic, and skills.
                issues is already difficult for many older   Tweezing the Web
                people. Reputation management and   Hiring someone to do a quick fix that   How to Grow Good Results
                what I call “internet credentials” are par-  pushes down adverse reports and   Protocols exist for advisors seeking to
                ticularly beneficial to financial advisors   reviews in the internet search results is a   manage their online reputations proac-
                and insurance agents who work with retir-  temporary solution that often backfires.   tively. Systems, including credentialing
                ees and pre-retirees. But when a prospect   Peeling off one negative review or unflat-  systems, can effectively get you found
                searches your or your firm’s name and   tering article about you is akin to pulling   in search and ensure that your reputa-
                finds nothing, the conversation has pretty   out a gray hair. As soon as you remove it,   tion remains spotless. Creating quality
                much ended before it even began.  another one takes its place. In fact, many   content, especially content that appears
                  That’s why advisors and agents who   so-called “reputation management” com-  consistently on high authority websites
                want to have more positive interactions   panies are banking on Google to keep   or in print publications, is one way agents
                with seniors and would like to increase   circulating those bad reviews, so you will   and advisors can take charge of their
                their closing ratios must put online repu-  have to pay them to get rid of them over   online reputations. Many advisors have
                tation management on the front burner.  and over again.             also used videos successfully to estab-
                                                    Unless you actively manage your   lish themselves as trusted authorities or
                The COVID-19 Factor               online presence, an awful lot of your past   experts in particular financial subjects.
                In the past, financial professionals were
                                                                                      However, you must establish and main-
                                                  can wind up in the court of public opin-
              Adobe Stock  somewhat dismissive of the idea that they   ion. A youthful indiscretion, a misunder-  tain a clean, accurate online reputation,
                needed to be found online. They believed
                                                                                    and this will mean devoting at least a few
                                                  standing, old blog posts, and tweets that
                                                                                    hours a month to the process. —Bill Broich
                that because they generally encountered
                                                  you posted in the heat of passion can
                      INVESTMENT ADVISOR (ISSN 1069-1731) is published monthly ALM Media, LLC, 4157 Olympic Blvd. Ste 225, Erlanger, KY 41018-3510. Periodical postage paid at Covington, KY and additional mailing offices. Subscription Rate is $79 per year.
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                                                                                       SEPTEMBER 2021 INVESTMENT ADVISOR 1
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