Page 21 - Investment Advisor July/August 2022
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lose  account  value  due  to  poor  invest-  Traditional Fixed Annuity: This   to the consumer, but some, including
                 ment market returns. The holder can   product provides an interest rate that   California and Florida, charge a tax
                 then earn additional interest, based   is guaranteed one year at a time, as well   on annuities.
                 on the performance of one or more   as an ongoing guaranteed rate. It allows   Spousal coverage: Often called a
                 investment indexes, such as the S&P   the purchaser to not only guarantee a   joint and survivor annuity, this allows a
                 500. State insurance regulators classify   rate  yearly but  to  lock in  upswings  in   client to buy a product that will pay for
                 these contracts as non-variable, or fixed,   interest rates.        them or their spouse for the lifetime of
                 because  of  the  guaranteed minimum                                whoever lives longer.
                 rate of return.                   AVAILABLE FEATURES
                   Registered Index Linked Annuity   Free-look period: Many U.S. states   FINE PRINT
                 (RILA): These have grown popular in   require insurance companies to include   Buyers and their advisors should under-
                 recent  years.  A RILA  limits                                               stand these issues:
                 exposure to downside risk   “Keep in mind: There are always                    1. Liquidity: Clients who
                 and provides the opportu-                                                    put cash in an annuity typi-
                 nity for growth. It offers   new wrinkles to think about. If                 cally face a surrender period
                 more   growth  potential                                                     of two to 10 years. They will
                 than a fixed indexed annu-  you are new to annuities, and                    pay a surrender charge if
                 ity but less potential return,   you want to explain them to                 they remove the money or
                 and less risk, than a vari-                                                  cancel the contract before
                 able annuity. Typically these   clients, start by talking to your            then. Some other types of
                 products offer a variety of                                                  annuities, such as immediate
                 term lengths.               compliance people to see what                    annuities, may not have sur-
                   Qualified  Longevity                                                       render charges but may not
                 Annuity Contract (QLAC):    kinds of training and advisory                   allow the client to withdraw
                 This is an annuity that is          support you need.”                       lump sums.
                 purchased with retirement                                                      2. Cost: Fees on these
                 account funds and held                                                       products vary. Insurance-
                 within a traditional retirement plan —   a “free-look” period that allows a buyer   based annuities can charge fees for add-
                 whether  it’s  a  401(k),  403(b)  or tra-  to cancel the contract without incurring   on benefits, and  variable annuities can
                 ditional IRA. Annuity payments are   a surrender charge.            charge both benefit and annual main-
                 deferred until the client reaches old age   Riders: These are addendums to the   tenance.  Variable  annuity  issuers  may
                 to provide retirement income security   contract  that  allows  for  customization.   charge many different amounts, such
                 late in life (generally no later than age   For example, there are inflation riders,   as general fees or administrative fees,
                 85). This also is a way to hedge against   or more well utilized are death-benefit   mortality and expense risk expenses,
                 or reduce required minimum distri-  riders that ensure a beneficiary receives   investment fund expenses and distribu-
                 bution as it drawn down a retirement   a portion of the contract value after the   tion charges.
                 portfolio. Many 401(k)s may not allow   client  dies.  Riders  typically incur  an   3. Complexity: A common complaint
                 QLACs to be purchased within the plan   extra fee.                  is that annuities can be complicated.
                 but the clients are able to roll distribu-  Tax deferral: Annuities allow cli-  Remember that these products typically
                 tions over to IRAs.               ents to reduce their taxable income   are designed based on the assumption
                   Single-Premium     Immediate    when buying an annuity with pretax   that a licensed agent or advisor will help
                 Annuity (SPIA): This contract will pay   funds, and clients won’t be taxed until   the client understand the nuances, not
                 out immediately or within a year after a   they withdraw the amount. If an annu-  for clients who will shop on their own.
                 single, lump-sum purchase. SPIAs can   ity is purchased with after-tax money,   4. Stability: Advisors working in this
                 be paid out on a monthly, quarterly or   only the earnings will be taxed when   area need to know how insurer ratings
                 yearly basis.  Interest  rate  returns on   the money is withdrawn. Most states   work and have some ability to form their
                 these  products  often  are  higher  than   charge insurance companies a pre-  own independent views of insurance
                 certificates of deposit.          mium tax, which typically is passed on   company strength.

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