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                 Bringing Financial Advice to the $500 Investor

                 According to envestnet’s Dani Fava,                                 to be able to bring really valuable profes-
                 there’s simply never been a better time                             sionally managed account services to
                 for advisor-industry innovators. The                                clients with as little as $500. It’s really
                 opportunities they have to elevate the                              about democratizing access to advisory
                 profession and the outcomes of clients                              services. That is a lofty goal and really
                 are “nothing short of astounding,” she                              provides us with a sense of personal pur-
                 said recently at the firm’s 2023 elevate                            pose and motivation.
                 Conference in Denver, when she spoke                                  When envestnet was founded, I
                 with Investment Advisor.                                            believe their separately managed
                                                                                     account minimum was like $800,000.
                 InvestMent AdvIsor: Can you tell                                    To be working on a solution to bring that
                 us more about the work of the product                               same level of intellectual capability all
                 innovation group that you oversee?                                  the way down to somebody who has
                 dAnI FAvA: The first thing I will tell you                          just $500 to invest — that’s honestly a
                 is that my team specializes in a really                             source of personal fulfillment.
                 unique form of market validation, and
                 that’s what we are working really hard                              Can you tell our readers about the sub-
                 on right now with the embedded finance                              ject of your keynote presentation here
                 capabilities. An integral part of our   firm from outside of financial services,   at the conference? Is it about tiktok
                 innovation process is to go out and do   and, internally, we just thought this was   trends and financial advice?
                 really strong qualitative market validation   the coolest idea and that advisors were   Yes, it’s a light and fun presentation, but
                 research. It’s all about a central question:   going to love our idea.   I think it has an important message with
                 Are we identifying and solving a true   Well, we went out and tested it, and   respect to consumer behavior.
                 problem that advisors are facing, one that   we discovered that there were just   The basic approach is that I’ll be
                 needs to be solved to allow them to do   some reasons why an advisor would not   playing four different TikTok videos to
                 business more efficiently and effectively?  engage with such a solution. It may be   display key trends on the platform, and
                   It’s interesting work because there is a   disappointing when that kind of thing   I’ll be likening these trends back to key
                 tendency in the financial services space   happens, but it is by doing this validation   facts about consumer behavior and how
                 in general to have a lot of assumptions   work first that we are able to save time   this impacts financial services delivery,
                 about how the industry works and what   and resources overall for the company.    especially with respect to next-genera-
                 clients’ needs are. But when you do this                            tion clients.
                 kind of validation work, you often find   As you lead the product innovation   Stepping back, something I would
                 that you had a lot of things right, but you   group’s many efforts, how do you   say to your readers is that they can-
                 didn’t understand everything.     keep it all straight?             not underestimate the impact of what I
                   One of the most valuable testing tools   It’s the overall vision that you have to get   will call “finfluencers.” People in Gen Z,
                 we have is doing anonymous survey   right. The most important thing is that   in particular, obtain so much of their
                 research, because another thing that   you have a vision of the ecosystem you   information from social media, and that
                 many firms get wrong is to ask their cur-  want to create. Yes, there may be a lot   includes information about investing and
                 rent clients about the usefulness of their   going on, but it’s all in search of a clearly   finance. It’s a real risk for firms to just
                 services or technology. You often do not   defined end goal.        completely ignore this fact and assume
                 get a truly honest response. We recently   I can distill it down to one example   they don’t have any need to be exploring
                 had a situation in which we were testing   for you. Within the embedded finance   platforms like TikTok or other forms of
                 out a new integration with a big-name   solution, one of our motivating goals is   social media. — John Manganaro
                                 for all this and more Web exclusive content please visit

                           INvESTMENT AdvISOr (ISSN 1069-1730) is published 7 times a year in February, April, June, July, September, November and December. ALM Global, LLC, 150 East 42nd Street, Mezzanine Level, New York, NY 10017.
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                                                                                            June 2023 Investment AdvIsor 1
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