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                FINRA Zooms In on Platform Outages, SARs

                This year’s Financial Industry Regulatory   tions through other entry points         the companies.
                Authority exams will focus on broker-  if, for example, an app is                     Also, Pershing
                dealer filings of suspicious activity   down?” he asked.                            documents, including
                reports (or SARs), technology gover-  Regarding communi-                           confirms, statements,
                nance, and communications about   cations about digital                            tax documents and
                digital assets, in addition to Regulation   assets, St. Louis said                notifications, will now
                Best Interest, says Bill St. Louis, FINRA’s   FINRA will assess                   be available via Orion’s
                senior vice president of retail and capital   whether risks are                  new Client Portal, pro-
                markets firms.                    being adequately                               viding investors with an
                  “There’s an intersection between   disclosed. If a                            “at-a-glance view of cus-
                cyber events and [anti-money launder-  firm has part of                         todial documents within
                ing],” St. Louis explained during a FINRA   its digital asset business “being   a single app connected to
                podcast, Exam and Risk Monitoring   facilitated through affiliates that are   every aspect of their financial lives,”
                Program: Responding to COVID-19 and   not member firms, are the communica-  the companies said.
                Looking Ahead.                    tions around that clear or is the firm
                  Account intrusions, takeovers an data   perhaps implying that it’s all happening   eMoney Advisor Updates API Strategy
                breaches “likely will be SAR reportable.   at a FINRA-registered and regulated firm,   Fidelity Investments’ eMoney Advisor
                So, I just wanted to remind firms of that.   when in fact it’s not?” he asked.  software business has updated its API
                And that’s something that we pay quite a                            strategy, saying it has continued work
                bit of attention to,” he said.    Pershing, Orion Deepen Integrations  to transition from credential-based data
                  St. Louis highlighted two other priori-  BNY Mellon’s Pershing and Orion   aggregation (“screen scraping”) to API-
                ties set out in FINRA’s 2021 exam priori-  Advisor Solutions have expanded their   based data aggregation. eMoney suc-
                ties report — tech governance and com-  relationship via a series of technology   cessfully transitioned seven of its largest
                munications about digital assets.  integration updates.             volume connections to APIs by the end
                  A number of firms, he said, have had   The new integrations will enable   of 2020, and more than 60% of all
                “platform outages in 2020, some of   advisors to easily navigate between   screen-scraped accounts on the eMoney
                which related to market volatility. And   NetX360, Pershing’s professional work-  platform were migrated and connected
                the headline on outages, and like a lot   station, and the Orion platform, and   through direct access via API, it said.
                of things on tech governance, is testing,   provide access to real-time data and   The company also partnered with
                testing, testing, capacity testing, vendor   documents, the companies said in a joint   Akoya, a financial data access network
                management, ongoing maintenance and   announcement in April.        connecting financial institutions and
                testing of changes, new patches, scripts,   “The expanded relationship will deliver   data recipients. eMoney is the first
                new software, new hardware.”      advisors even more flexibility, deeper   data aggregator to join the Akoya Data
                  Testing, he continued, “to see whether   insights, and more choice, helping them   Access Network, the companies said.
                or not the linkages between systems are   realize new efficiencies, drive business   With access to Akoya, eMoney plans
                going to operate as expected when there   growth and significantly enhance the   to create a more streamlined flow of
                are patches or changes to one part of   advisor-client journey,” they said.  data and allow for more stable and
                the system.”                        Additionally, the enhanced application   secure connections.
                                                                                      eMoney is planning to go live later this
                  FINRA, St. Louis said, is “very focused   programming interface (API)-level inte-  year on the Akoya Data Access Network
                                                  gration with Pershing will provide advi-
                on customer service” during outages.
              Adobe Stock  “Can firms handle the incoming calls   sors on the Orion platform with access to   and eMoney clients will receive addition-
                                                  real-time positions, balances and activity
                                                                                    al information closer to launch, it said.
                from customers? Are there ways for
                                                                                    —Melanie Waddell and Jeff Berman
                customers to access and make transac-
                                                  on their clients’ accounts, according to
                      INVESTMENT ADVISOR (ISSN 1069-1731) is published monthly ALM Media, LLC, 4157 Olympic Blvd. Ste 225, Erlanger, KY 41018-3510. Periodical postage paid at Covington, KY and additional mailing offices. Subscription Rate is $79 per year.
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