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                 multiplied by the probability that she will   income given up unless the individual is   claiming. A 66-year old average man
                 be alive to receive the future payment.   in poor health.           only gets a $1,194 increase in expected
                   The Social Security Administration   At today’s TIPS rates, an average   retirement wealth by waiting until his
                 has its own mortality table that esti-  man earns $6,112 by waiting a year to   full retirement age (67) to claim.
                 mates the lifespan of average Americans,   claim after turning 62  according to   If he waits an additional year follow-
                 but this isn’t relevant for most higher-  calculations by David Blanchett, head   ing the new 8% annual step, he gets a
                 income financial planning clients who   of retirement  research  at PGIM. For   $9,070 boost in wealth by waiting until
                 live significantly longer. This means   a healthy woman, the benefit from   his 68th birthday to claim. A healthy
                 they’re more likely to be alive at age 90   delayed claiming is $13,151. Delayed   woman  gets a $9,475 benefit  delaying
                 or 95 to cash their Social Security check.   claiming is one of the few financial plan-  from age 66 to 67, but a remarkable
                 The higher probability of being alive   ning strategies that provides a much   $19,039 increase in  lifetime  wealth by
                 makes the higher income pay-                                                waiting from 67 to 68. The
                 ment from delayed claiming   Claiming before the valuable                   second step from age 67 to
                 more valuable.                                                              68 is even more valuable  to
                   The  $1,000  increase  in   step-years can be a costly                    all groups of retirees than the
                 income is worth more than                                                   first step from 64 to 65.
                 you might expect. A 62-year-  mistake. Workers who claim                      Although most experts
                 old woman doesn’t just get   at full retirement age lose a                  agree that far more Americans
                 an extra $1,000 each year as                                                should delay claiming to age
                 long as she’s alive (the 50th   significant amount of wealth                70, the incremental benefit
                 percentile of longevity for an                                              to delaying from age 69 to
                 average 62-year-old American   by not taking advantage of the               70 is far more modest than
                 woman is 88, and age 92 for a                                               the benefit from delaying in
                 healthy woman using Society   most valuable 8% one-year                     the year after full retirement
                 of Actuaries (SOA) annu-                                                    age.  For  example,  an  average
                 ity tables). She gets $1,000           step increase.                       man sees only a $2,959 benefit
                 adjusted for inflation each                                                 from delaying between ages
                 year, and the inflation adjustment for   higher benefit to women. Longer-lived   69 and 70 (vs. $9,070 between 67 and
                 2022 was a full 5.9% increase from 2021.   Americans of both sexes also receive   68) and a healthy woman sees a $12,033
                   At today’s TIPS rates, $1,000 of   a larger increase in net present value   benefit (vs. $19,039 between 67 and 68).
                 income adjusted for inflation in 10 years   from waiting to claim Social Security.  It is important for advisors to remem-
                 is worth $1,051 right now. Our retiree has   How much does a healthy woman   ber that the decision to delay claiming
                 a 90% chance of being alive to receive   benefit from waiting an additional year   Social Security is not the same as the
                 the payment in 10 years using the SSA   to claim at 64? Just $10,198, or about   decision to retire. Withdrawals from
                 tables, and a 94% chance using SOA   22% less than  waiting  from  age 62  to   traditional IRAs before required mini-
                 annuity tables. Multiplying the value   63. But there’s an additional benefit to   mum distributions kick in can be an
                 today with the probability of receiving   waiting until age 65, when the annual   efficient way to bridge the gap between
                 the payment results in a present value of   increase rises from 5% to 6 2/3%. The   retirement and initiating Social Security,
                 $988 for a healthy woman.         present value of delaying from age 64 to   resulting in greater retirement wealth
                                                   age 65 is $17,331. She gets a 70% increase   and a more secure lifetime income.
                 OUTDATED FORMULA                  in net present value by waiting an addi-
                 The formula used to calculate the income   tional year because of the step. For an   Michael Finke, PhD, is professor of Wealth
                 boost from delayed claiming was estab-  average man, the benefit increases from   Management, director for the Granum Center
                 lished in the 1980s based on mortality   $3,354 to $8,388, or 1.5 times higher than   for Financial Security, and the Frank M. Engle
                 tables  that  don’t  reflect  improvements   the value of waiting from 63 to 64.  Distinguished Chair in Economic Security at
                 in longevity in recent years, particu-  During the three years between an   The American College of Financial Services.
                 larly among higher-income  Americans.   individual’s 64th and 67th birthday, the   He joined The College in June 2016, having
                 Because the formula is outdated, the   benefit continues to rise by 6 2/3% per   served since 2006 as a professor and PhD
                 value of  the future income  payments   year. This results in a gradual decline   coordinator in the Department of Personal
                 is always higher than the one year of   in the incremental  benefit  of delayed   Financial Planning at Texas Tech University.

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