Page 3 - Investment Advisor March 2021
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                3 Tools to Help Advisors Do More With Less

                As the COVID-19 pandemic has severely   138,000 new plans per month — and had   cerns. When an anxious client calls about
                affected businesses and families across   updated more than 1.02 million existing   market activity, an advisor can act as a
                the country, financial planners have had   plans, or 170,000 per month, year-to-date.   calming influence by modeling the client’s
                                                             This higher demand for   current financial situation next to the advi-
                                                           advisor time and expertise,   sor’s recommended plan of action — with-
                                                           while also continuing to   in the client portal. If the advisor’s finan-
                                                           operate their practices effi-  cial planning technology provider enables
                                                           ciently and generate new   the modeling of unlimited scenarios, then
                                                           business, means the pan-  the advisor can address any hypothetical
                                                           demic has accelerated trends   question and demonstrate the impact of
                                                           in the industry. The good   any recommendation in real time.
                                                           news is there is technology
                                                           that already was available   3. Self-Guided Retirement Needs Analysis
                                                           before COVID-19 that can   At a time when many people have been
                                                           help advisors manage the   laid off or furloughed, and haven’t been
                to contend with more than the usual   uptick in inquiries from clients and pros-  able to save money for retirement due
                financial stress and worry from clients   pects, while enhancing their value propo-  to a decrease or loss of income, advi-
                since last year.                  sition and growing their businesses.   sors can showcase their value by helping
                  A survey conducted by the CFP Board   Here are three digital tools that advi-  prospects estimate how much money
                in April 2020 found that 64% of certified   sors can harness to do more for clients   they need to cover expenses and meet
                financial planners said their clients were   and prospects, in less time.  goals in retirement.
                experiencing high or very high levels of                              Some solutions enable advisors to
                stress. According to the survey, the top   1. Client Portals        email a link to prospects that can take
                three financial concerns expressed by cli-  Advisors can strengthen their engage-  them to a portal where — on their own
                ents were managing volatility, protecting   ment with clients through interactive   time, and at their own pace — they can
                assets and liquidity.             portals, where clients can access their   fill in details such as age, family makeup
                  Since social distancing and Zoom   financial plans remotely at any time from   and current annual income. The plat-
                etiquette became part of the national   any location. The portals offered by some   form’s calculation engine can then use
                discourse, advisors have been bombarded   technology providers enable clients — on   these details to estimate how much sav-
                with questions and requests for advice   their own — to adjust contributions and   ings the prospect would need to meet
                from clients. The CFP Board reported that   time spans, and see how those changes   likely expenses and meet their goals.
                78% of CFP professionals experienced an   would affect their goals.   Smart assumptions, and integrations
                increase in client inquiries during the pan-  However, advisors also can monitor cli-  with third-party providers of health care
                demic, and 34% of CFP professionals have   ents’ activity within the client portal, and   data, can also help prospects estimate
                seen a rise in inquiries from prospects.  begin financial planning conversations   how much they would need to save in
                  We have observed this trend among the   with clients based on the information they   order to cover all likely medical expenses
              Bloomicon/Shutterstock  planning platform. In June 2020 alone,   2. Side-by-Side Scenarios   ment projections also can help advisors
                advisors utilizing our NaviPlan financial
                                                  entered and the scenarios they viewed.
                                                                                    in each phase of retirement.
                                                                                      These smarter, more accurate retire-
                there was a 64% increase in updates to
                                                                                    better understand each prospect’s con-
                financial plans completed in NaviPlan,
                                                  Some modern financial planning solu-
                                                                                    cerns, financial situation, and goals before
                compared with June 2019. Also, as of Oct.
                                                  tions include presentation tools allowing
                                                                                    beginning more in-depth conversations.
                5, 2020, advisors had created 828,000
                                                  advisors to create side-by-side scenarios
                new financial plans year-to-date, or
                                                                                    —Angela Pecoraro, CEO, Advicent
                                                  to address clients’ questions and con-
                      INVESTMENT ADVISOR (ISSN 1069-1731) is published monthly ALM Media, LLC, 4157 Olympic Blvd. Ste 225, Erlanger, KY 41018-3510. Periodical postage paid at Covington, KY and additional mailing offices. Subscription Rate is $79 per year.
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                                                                                         MARCH 2021 INVESTMENT ADVISOR 1
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