Page 15 - Investment Advisor January/February 2022
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Schwab and TD Ameritrade, about half a   ued and beneficial innovation in some   5. UNCOMMODITIZING INVESTMENT
                decade. This is the bizarre trap that two-  of  the core  technologies that  enable   MANAGEMENT
                thirds of the industry finds itself in as the   independent advisors to efficiently run   Today,  many  advisors  are  de-empha-
                tortuous delays  in merging the largest   their businesses, no matter how small   sizing investments as part of their
                custodian platforms linger late into 2023,   or large.              offering as it becomes commoditized,
                with some estimating well into 2024 for   Just as business technology operat-  and instead focusing on financial
                a deal that was announced in 2019.  ing systems have evolved rapidly over   planning and wealth services as their
                  Will the 7,000-plus TDA advisors end   the years, from DOS to Windows to   value proposition.
                up with a good experience becoming   cloud-based, now we are on to the next   The good news for investment-
                part of a huge entity, or will they be   generation  with  cloud-native com-  focused firms, however, is that new
                shunted into an impersonal call cen-  puting. According to technologists,   rebalancing and trading technologies
                ter and DIY website  corner that will   cloud-native technologies empower   are enabling advisors to bring differ-
                handicap their business? At                                                 entiation back to investing.
                this rate, it will take a couple   For better or worse, the continued       Direct indexing, for example,
                of years to  find out. In the                                               enables firms to customize
                meantime,  service  issues  are   aging of RIA founders who lack            and personalize portfolios by
                increasing on the TDA side   succession plans (only one-third               holding  the  underlying  secu-
                as Schwab struggles with the                                                rities  to  mimic  a  separate
                quixotic  decision  to  continue   of the industry has one) is forcing      account structure to track an
                to spend resources for at least   them to consider external sale            index  or  adhere  to  a  model
                the next two years on a com-                                                portfolio to accommodate
                pany and brand that they will   options. The good news is they              personalized constraints and
                eventually shut down. There is                                              opportunities.
                no return on that investment.  have more choices than ever.                   The benefits of this type of
                  All of this opens the door for                                            technology bring up the ability
                new custodian competitors to enter the   organizations to build and run scalable   to efficiently deploy tax-loss harvesting,
                scene and compete for their share of the   applications in modern, dynamic envi-  accommodate a large legacy position
                growing RIA industry. Most notably, a   ronments that utilize the latest soft-  or manage to an ESG mandate without
                brand-name Wall Street giant is already   ware development tools such as atomic   changing the risk profile of the portfolio.
                striking fear in the hearts of custodian   design, containers, service meshes,   This means that for the tax-loss har-
                executives everywhere. Goldman Sachs,   microservices and APIs to deliver speed   vesting opportunities alone, portfolio
                fresh off its strategic acquisition of the   and agility in developing the latest   managers can deliver a significant “tax
                mega RIA-firm United Capital, its FinLife   wealth management applications.  alpha” that can more than make up for
                technology platform and the remnants of   Particularly in bridging legacy sys-  their added fees for actively managing
                FolioFn, combined with their world-class   tems with multiple-data sources and   the portfolio.
                capital markets and asset management   the latest applications, cloud-native   To show the impact that direct
                operations, has all of the components to   approaches will enable advisors   indexing is having in shaping the
                become an instant player overnight, par-  and firms to create their own “dig-  industry going forward, consider
                ticularly with larger RIAs.       ital ecosystems.” By leveraging this   the dozen or so acquisitions by large
                  That  said, other  custodian  com-  approach, firms can create technology   asset managers scooping up boutique
                petitors, along with a handful of tech-  they design and host themselves. This   direct-indexing shops for their tech-
                enabled  front-ends  with  a  third-party   allows them to own their own data   nology and expertise — most notably,
                custodian back end, are all gearing up to   and  integrate the  systems and tools   Vanguard’s industry-defining acquisi-
                source disenfranchised advisors, unhap-  that best fit their value proposition,   tion of Just Invest.
                py  at this  new hegemony of  the  large   customized to their needs.
                custodian players.                  Essentially, firms are able to build   Timothy D. Welsh, CFP, is president, CEO and
                                                  their  own  “app  stores”  that  they  con-  founder of Nexus Strategy LLC, a consulting
    Adobe Stock  Without a doubt, one of the biggest   bring them together in an integrated   firm to the wealth management industry and
                                                  trol and select, and they can seamlessly
                4. CLOUD, MEET CLOUD NATIVE
                                                                                    can be reached at [email protected] or on
                                                  framework and environment.
                trends in the industry is the contin-
                                                                                    Twitter @NexusStrategy.
                                                                               JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2022 INVESTMENT ADVISOR 13
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