Page 3 - Investment Advisor November 2022
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                 Joe Duran: What Investors Need From Financial Planners
                 During Tough Times

                 In the experience of Joe Duran, head                                  Duran points to the example of a client
                 of Goldman Sachs Personal Financial                                 that has not yet retired but was planning
                 Management, the value of a solid financial                          to do so soon. Rather than allowing the
                 plan is hard to overstate, especially during                        client to dwell on the unfortunate nature
                 difficult times in the markets. He spoke                            of sequence of returns risk, the advisor
                 about these and other key topics during                             can bring to the table some calculations
                 a media call featuring the results of the                           that show the client can make up most
                 “2022 Goldman Sachs Asset Management                                of the lost ground by working for another
                 Retirement Survey Insight Report.”                                  year to 18 months. “You can show them
                                                                                     how they can pull levers they can control
                 1. A ‘precarious moment’: Top concerns                              that will put them back in the position
                 highlighted in the survey data pertain to the   current position and generate that higher   they would have been in before the mar-
                 solvency of Social Security, rapid inflation   level of clarity about what may come next.”  ket decline of the last year,” he explains.
                 in health care costs and uncertainty about                            A client who has already retired, on
                 what greater longevity means from a finan-  2. Seeking clarity and control: Duran   the other hand, may need to reduce
                 cial perspective. Concerns across these and   emphasized that no advisor, no matter their   their spending by 10% for about four
                 other areas have all jumped meaningfully   skill and dedication, can predict the future.   years to make themselves “whole” again,
                 since the 2021 edition of the survey, Duran   At the same time, no client can make   Duran says. This isn’t going to be easy
                 notes, showing just how difficult the last   perfect decisions all the time. Fortunately,   for most, if not all, clients, but it is an
                 year has been for many people.    that’s not what a good financial plan seeks   actionable plan. “A good financial plan-
                   “The data shows us we are clearly in a   to accomplish. “What we can do is use   ner will walk people through this and
                 precarious moment,” Duran says, adding   forecasting and scenario analysis that can   help them understand that they can
                 that such an environment elevates the   put your clients in the best position pos-  respond to this moment constructively
                 importance of financial planning. “People   sible for financial success,” he says. “The   and without making some panicked
                 across the board want more advice   outcome of a good planning process should   move towards protection.”
                 about saving and generating retirement   be that deeper sense of clarity and control.”
                 income — and understanding how long   Duran explains that successful financial   3. No planning magic: Duran says finan-
                 their savings might last, especially in the   planners are already engaging with their   cial planners must also be humble and
                 context of high inflation.”       clients about the aforementioned areas of   understand their own limitations. For
                   Duran says the growing desire for per-  concern and are helping them to under-  example, no financial planner can craft a
                 sonalized, tailored advice shines through   stand what levers they can pull to put   comprehensive retirement plan for a cli-
                 basically all the findings in the new survey   themselves in the most optimal position   ent who may only be in their 30s.
                 report. According to the survey, essentially   during what is clearly a difficult moment.   “We simply don’t know enough about
                 all current workers say they could benefit   “Your typical client with a balanced   what this person’s future holds to be
                 from greater access to advice and support   portfolio has now gone through a roughly   able to have a constructive conversation
                 services from planning professionals. “We   20% decline in their accumulated   about retirement income, for example,”
                 know that a sense of financial control and   assets,” he says. “First of all, the financial   Duran says. “What we can do is refocus
                 clarity are essential, but these are so diffi-  professional can help ensure that there   the discussion and instill financial disci-
                 cult to create on your own,” he says. “These   are no ill-timed flights to cash that lock   pline that will help this person through-
                 are the things a financial plan can address.   in these losses, but that’s only part of the   out their savings journey.”
                 A plan helps individuals understand their   response to this moment.”  —John Manganaro

                             INVESTMENT ADVISOR (ISSN 1069-1731) is published monthly except for combined issues in Jan/Feb, Apr/May and Jul/Aug. ALM Global, LLC, 150 East 42nd Street, Mezzanine Level, New York, NY 10017.
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